Conservative Piers Morgan tells Bill Maher he doesn't 'respect' Trump's U-turn on abortion

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Conservative pundit Piers Morgan on Friday told Bill Maher that he doesn't "respect" Donald Trump's recent reversal on abortion.

Morgan, who was silenced on his own television show last month when broadcaster Mehdi Hasan delivered a brutal rundown of his reasons why former President Trump should not be reelected as president, appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher.

The commentators discussed abortion, where Maher mocked Trump's hard-left turn on the crucial issue.

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Morgan started out by insisting he doesn't hold any ill will against those who believe differently than him when it comes to abortion.

He said he constantly has to tell his friends in the U.K., "Don't come to America and start talking about guns and abortion."

"I do respect people who completely disagree," he said. "I can respect the other side."

The conservative host adds, "The thing I don't respect quite so much with Trump is he does a complete U-turn on this."

"He did it in 2016 to get the evangelicals with them," he said, "and now I think he thinks he's got them."

Finally, Morgan said he understands Trump's motives for shifting.

"I don't support what he's doing but I do understand the political reasons he's doing it, and it could be quite effective in neutralizing what could be a banana skin for the party," he told Maher.

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