Players score extra points for litter pick

If you thought Diss town centre was looking extra spick and span this week, it might have something to do with the efforts of a certain group of youngsters.

Led by coach Steven Trickey, ten players from Diss Rugby Club’s under-11s team took to the streets on Saturday to pick up any litter missed by the town’s council staff.

The players were raising money to help with travel and entry costs into the London Irish Amateur International Mini Rugby Festival later this month.

This team that picks itself: Members of Diss Rugby Club’s Under-11s by Mere’s Mouth in Diss. Picture: Mark Bullimore

Mr Trickey said the day went really well.

“We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who donated,” he said. “The public were very generous and we managed to raise £137.

“People seemed to be pleased to see the children out doing something for the community.

“Community spirit, teamwork and respect are all things that we try to instill in them through playing rugby.”

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