Trump supports aid to Ukraine, but not as 'gift'

Former US President Donald Trump (photo: Getty Images)

Former US President Donald Trump hinted that he would support the continuation of funding assistance to Ukraine. However, the Republican believes that the aid should not be in the form of a "gift" but as a loan, according to Trump's statement at a press conference with US House Speaker Mike Johnson in Florida.

Trump stated that this issue is being discussed among Republicans who are blocking aid to Ukraine. As the US presidential candidate noted, "We’re thinking about making it in the form of a loan instead of just a gift."

"We keep handing out gifts of billions and billions of dollars, and we’ll take a look at it," he said.

Trump stated that Europe needs to step up and contribute more money because Russia's war against Ukraine affects Europe more than the United States.

"Europe has to step up, and they have to give money," he said.

Issues with US aid

On February 13, the U.S. Senate approved a bill for $95 billion in assistance to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Over $60 billion is allocated for Ukraine.

The bill still needs to be approved by the U.S. House of Representatives and signed by President Joe Biden for it to take effect. Republicans in the U.S. Congress are blocking this decision.

Recently, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy commented on the possibility that the U.S. would provide assistance to Ukraine in the form of a loan. He stated that Ukraine would agree to any option.