Emergency workers remain at Dosunmu market 5 days after fire incident

P.S LASEMA, Dr Olufemi Oke- Osanyintolu, supervising the carting away of rubbles from the scene of Dosunmu fire incident [NAN] ©(c) provided by Pulse Nigeria

Fire gutted a section of Dosunmu market on Tuesday with some buildings self-collapsing under the intensity of the inferno, while 16 others were seriously impacted.

Emergency workers remained at the scene of the April 9 Dosunmu Street fire in Lagos on Sunday, clearing the rubble, among other activities.

This is contained in a statement issued by Nosa Okunbor, Public Relations Officer of the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) on Sunday in Lagos.

Okunbor said that the disaster zone was still a restricted area, cordoned off and off-limits to non-responders and security personnel.

According to him, the evacuation of rubbles from the self-collapsed and demolished defective buildings is still ongoing.

He said that the demolition of defective buildings from the fire disaster zone to ground zero was still ongoing.

Okunbor said that the continuous dampening down of re-ignited flames from beneath the rubbles was also ongoing under the supervision of the Permanent Secretary, LASEMA, Dr Olufemi Oke-Osanyintolu.

Recall that fire gutted a section of Dosunmu market on Tuesday with some buildings self-collapsing under the intensity of the inferno, while 16 others were seriously impacted.

Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu, at the scene of the fire, had assured the traders and Lagos residents of the capability of the government to bring the situation under control.

He said that buildings that failed integrity tests would be pulled down.

The nature of the disaster attracted a high-powered federal government delegation led by the Director-General of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Hajia Zubaida Umar that visited the scene to commiserate with the government and people of Lagos.