Dating coach reveals three signs you're being played by the man you're in love with

It’s easy to fall in love if you’re a hopeless romantic. But you may want to educate yourself about three major signs that you’re being played by the man you’re dating, so you aren’t heartbroken.

We told you about three warning signs that suggest a girl isn’t that into you. But to know if a man is truly what he portrays himself to be, pay attention to certain details highlighted by a dating expert.

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He could be future faking

Jason Silver is a dating coach, famous for his content on YouTube around relationship issues women are faced with. He has over twenty years of experience in “emotional wellness and transformation”, having been featured in several renowned television networks and magazines.

According to Jason, future faking is a common tactic manipulators use to get what they want from vulnerable women. They are capable of making you believe you’re the “most special” person in their lives but don’t buy it.

Future faking is when you’re promised long-term plans, only to be taken advantage of, while none of them are fulfilled.

If you’re in love with a man who talks a lot about your future together and uses “we” often, make sure his actions and words add up. Often, players paint a beautiful picture of the future with no intention of fulfilling it.

Confidence is good, but overconfidence is a red flag

Being confident is healthy, but if you’re being put down by your romantic partner to serve their ego, it’s a red flag you must not overlook.

James says, players like to come across as overconfident, even though they suffer low esteem. To feel superior, they resort to subtle criticism you may easily overlook. He calls it “pegging”, little jokes targeting your insecurities.

As the dating expert points out, they could laughingly remark about something stuck in your teeth or make you question your standards by being overly critical of choices.

If you see your partner doing this, remember you’re possibly being played.

They love to flaunt their appearance

Players are excellent con artists with different skills at their disposal to achieve what they want.

Showing off an extravagant lifestyle doesn’t necessarily mean they are successful or as wealthy as they portray themselves.

James says they may be living in debt to come across as a “high-status great guy” with the freedom to travel the world, without giving away their true living situation.

It’s important to gain a better understanding of the person’s situation with time, rather than believing everything they show.

However, if a man’s intentions are genuine, he prioritizes quality time with you over other factors. This also allows you to understand their true nature.

He isn’t hesitant to introduce you to his social circle, unlike players who like to communicate largely over the phone or the internet because they can’t be held accountable.

And, if a man genuinely likes you, he doesn’t hide his relationship status on social media, which is another major sign that he’s invested in you.