Dating coach reveals the explanation why men continue to stay with women they 'can't stand'

Love and commitment aren’t the only things that keep couples together. As it turns out, people choose to stay with partners they “dislike” for a reason that has nothing to do with emotions.

Intimate relationships aren’t always easy to navigate. When love strikes, we overlook red flags and end up with people who aren’t meant to be our partners. However, some people still choose to stay in a troubled relationship for the wrong reasons.

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Why men stay with women they ‘dislike’

According to dating coach Nelly Sudri, several men she knows have admitted to staying with women they dislike because they are too invested in the relationship.

She uses the term ‘sunk cost fallacy’ to describe such a relationship, wherein one of the partners continues to invest their time, effort, and more in the relationship simply because it has existed for years.

The dating coach says, some men “can’t stand” the women they are with, but they are so deep into the relationship that they aren’t willing to let it go.

This can also happen with people who get into a relationship for the “wrong reasons” and when the initial attraction fades and they are confronted by reality, they still choose to keep going with it.

When to walk away

Even though the reason Nelly detailed is common, you still have the power to choose what’s best for you.

She says in her TikTok video, that even if you missed red flags at the start of the relationship and believe your partner isn’t the right match for you, know when to walk away.

Not only is it important to pick the “right partner”, but you must also have the self-respect to leave a troubled relationship.

Nelly says you must have faith that you will find someone better, with whom you can experience a lifetime of happiness.