'Really sad to see': Ian Wright seriously unhappy with what he saw Arsenal fans do v Aston Villa yesterday

Arsenal lost to Aston Villa yesterday in a disappointing day at the office and Ian Wright is not happy with something he saw at The Emirates.

The Gunners were 2-0 down against Villa and battling to come back into the game.

As we know, in the end, their efforts proved futile as Villa saw the game out and Arsenal never really got anything going with their attacking play.

However, it was something off the pitch that really annoyed Gunners legend Ian Wright.

Photo by Ash Donelon/Manchester United via Getty Images

Ian Wright slams Arsenal fans for what they did during the Aston Villa game

Speaking on the latest episode of the Kelly and Wrighty Show, the former Arsenal striker expressed his unhappiness at the Arsenal fans for leaving the ground so early in huge numbers.

“You know something, I’ve got to say with Flo there mentioning the fans, one thing that Man United team had and why everyone talks about ‘Fergie Time’, because the fans genuinely got behind them and got them through it. When you look at the amount of Arsenal fans that left at that time and you’re looking around, that can be very demoralising,” Wright said.

“For the last two seasons it’s only been progression for this team. They didn’t lose against Bayern, remember what Bayern did to us before? They came back in that game this time. These players need the fans to stay with it. So for them to leave like they did…how many times have Arsenal won in the last minute? It was really sad to see. Because then you’re thinking they genuinely believe that that’s it. I was really disappointed to see that.”

Some Arsenal fans need a reality check at times

Everyone can understand the frustration here of losing a game when Liverpool had just left the door wide open. But to see so many leaving was quite ridiculous.

Wright makes a great point here about the Fergie Time element and that only happens really when the stadium is full and all pulling in the same direction.

Arsenal’s fans were poor with this yesterday.

Leaving in their droves like they did didn’t help anything and as Wright says, the amount of late goals they get makes this even more surprising.

After a superb season, Arsenal’s players deserved better than this.

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