'You want to win!' Dan Goldman shouts down Republicans he says 'sabotaged' bill for Trump

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Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) slammed Republicans Tuesday for obeying former President Donald Trump's request to kill a bill that he says would have helped secure the U.S. border.

"The problem is that we don't have the resources to process asylum applications as expeditiously as is necessary," Goldman said during a House Homeland Security hearing. "And in the Senate, they tried to solve the problem. They tried not just with appropriations, but with a policy bill. Unfortunately, the Republicans have put politics over our border security."

Goldman said Republicans wanted "chaos in order to win an election rather than to solve the problems."

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"Let's quote Donald Trump, who said that he sabotaged the bipartisan deal to secure the border because, quote, it made it much better for the opposing side, unquote," the lawmaker continued. "And that he had stated that he, quote, killed, unquote, the deal."

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"There was a policy change that would have significantly addressed the problems at the border," Goldman remarked. "And instead, you all on the other side of the aisle sabotaged it, where you baselessly impeached the secretary who's trying to solve our problems at the southern border because you want to win it."

He raised his voice as he blasted Republicans on the committee.

"You want to win in November!" Goldman bellowed. "You don't want to solve the problem!"

Watch the video below from the House Homeland Security Committee.

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