'I know': Jamie Carragher delivers his verdict on Everton supporters leaving early vs Chelsea

This Everton team, across the last few years, simply has not earned the support it continues to command.

They are supremely fortunate to be blessed with a fanbase completely devoted to the club, and through thick and thin they remain by the players’ sides.

However, last night marked a real low point, and has once again sent this fanbase into meltdown. With good reason too.

After all, it marks a thankless task to keep on supporting a group of players who consistently let them down.

Jamie Carragher speaks about Everton fans

Speaking live on Sky Sports’ Monday Night Football last night, Jamie Carragher sought to put himself into the shoes of those travelling Evertonians.

After all, it was not really that long ago that he supposed the Toffees, try as he may to play down that affiliation.

Photo by Michael Regan/Getty Images

He actually sought to react to comments made by Sean Dyche, who had essentially apologised to the fans whilst also asking them to stick with his side.

Carragher was less sympathetic though, noting: ‘They ask too much of the supporters.

‘Sean Dyche has just been asked there about supporters leaving early. What do you expect? It’s not just this season, this has been going on for years. Everton have been fighting relegation, sacking managers, trying to get out of it, worrying at this stage of the season.

‘I know supporters who have gone tonight and they would have left early and why wouldn’t you?’

Evertonians have every right to act how they please

Having supported this club through a period where few others would have lost faith, this is a fanbase that can never be questioned for their commitment.

So, asking more of them is an impossible task.

They fill out every allocation, home and away, and yet are consistently served up terrible football and even worse results.

They can act exactly how they please.

And whilst some might lambast the home atmosphere, it is certainly a two-way street, and when the players and playing style give little for the crowd to feed off, what do they expect?

These Evertonians cannot relentlessly support a side that shows no passion, plays turgid, slow football, and almost always fails to win.

Photo by Marc Atkins/Getty Images

But no doubt the intensity will ramp up now in the final few weeks of the season. With Nottingham Forest, Brentford and Sheffield United all to come to Goodison Park, there promises to be a storm brewing to hopefully drag this team over the line.

Let’s just hope the players can match that enthusiasm.