Average police response time to burglaries across Cambridgeshire almost tripled in four years, data reveals

The average amount of time it takes police to respond to burglaries in the area has risen by nine hours in the last four years, data has revealed.

Cambridgeshire Police has disclosed in an FOI request the average time taken for officers to arrive at the scene following a report of a domestic burglary across the county has risen drastically.

In 2020, officers would take 341 minutes - around five and a half hours to respond to a burglary report.

The average police response times to burglaries has almost tripled. Picture: Stock pic

However, this year, it has taken officers 890 minutes - around 14 and three-quarter hours - to get to the scene.

In response to this data, a local Liberal Democrat group has slammed the Conservative government for the rise in response times, and has said police forces are “over-stretched”.

They have argued that “years of ineffective policing resourcing have left people forces overstretched, under-resourced and unable to effectively respond to local crime”.

North East Cambridgeshire Liberal Democrat Group has claimed that 4,500 Police Community Support Officers have been taken off the streets since 2015.

Spokesperson for the group David Chalmers said: “Having your home burgled is a traumatic experience, and victims deserve a swift response from the police. Yet thanks to the Conservative Government, this is increasingly out of reach.

”People in the Fenlands deserve to feel safe in their own homes.

“The fact that traumatised burglary victims are being left waiting for hours, wondering if the police will even arrive, is unacceptable. To think that crucial evidence may be lost in the process too is unforgivable.

“It’s time to finally restore proper community policing, so people can be confident that if they do fall victim to crime, the police will turn up and investigate properly.

Although Cambridgeshire Police supplied the data, it did not provide a comment in relation to it.