'Complete failure': Mike Johnson's plan already in danger after latest MAGA caucus revolt

US Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is walking a tightrope between moderate and hard-line Republicans © Stefani Reynolds / AFP/File

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has been planning to put different foreign aid packages for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan on the floor of the House of Representatives, but hardliners within his caucus are already revolting.

While Johnson is planning to push ahead with giving foreign aid packages and up-or-down vote in the House, members of the House Freedom Caucus are already vowing to oppose the measures and are delivering scathing attacks on Johnson's leadership overall.

"Every true conservative America First patriot in the House should vote against the rule for this borrowed foreign aid bill with no border security," wrote Rep. Bob Good (R-VA), the chairman of the House Freedom Caucus.

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Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) also shredded Johnson for not including any additional funding for border security as a precondition to passing the foreign aid packages.

"To be clear, the Republican Speaker of the House knows this -- and will seek Democrat support for the rule... to send money overseas... while walking away from months of promises to put Americans first to secure the border," Roy complained. "This is a total and complete failure."

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These words were also echoed by Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), a top ally of former President Donald Trump.

"Anything less than tying Ukraine aid to real border security fails to live up to Speaker Johnson's own words just several weeks ago," he said. "Our constituents demand -- and deserve -- more from us."

Of course, Johnson dropped demands on border funding after former President Donaald Trump tanked a bipartisan border security bill that had been negotiated in the United States Senate.

While all three of these Republicans are expressing dissatisfaction with Johnson, none of them have yet joined Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) in vowing to support Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's (R-GA) petition to vacate Johnson's chair.

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