'Damn hypocrisy': Dem calls out Marjorie Taylor Greene for denouncing white supremacy

Maxwell Frost and Marjorie Taylor Greene (House Oversight/screen grab)

Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL) accused Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) of "damn hypocrisy" after she said Ukraine was harboring white supremacists.

At a Wednesday House Oversight Committee hearing on China, Greene used her time to talk about "Nazis in Ukraine."

"It's amazing to me that just in a few years time, it's now considered misinformation to talk about the Nazis in Ukraine," she complained. "According to Christopher Wray, the FBI director, he said that [the Azov Brigade] has been recruiting and radicalizing and training American citizens for years. He also finished saying in his testimony to the U.S. Senate that American white supremacists are actually traveling overseas to train."

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"I don't think anyone in the United States government — Americans do not support actual Nazis or white supremacists," she argued. "I know I certainly do not."

Frost, who spoke after Greene, began his time by calling out the Georgia lawmaker.

"It's interesting to hear my colleague just now talk about disavowing white supremacists when in 2022 you — she spoke at an event led by white supremacists and white nationalist Nick Fuentes," Frost noted. "And when asked about it, doubled down on it and said we're gonna focus on people, not labels."

"So get out of here with that damn hypocrisy," he added.

Watch the video below from the House Oversight Committee.

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