Journalist says he is surprised no one is mentioning 43-year-old for the Liverpool job

There is one name who Neil Jones is surprised hasn’t been mentioned for the Liverpool job to replace Jurgen Klopp.

Whoever is appointed as Liverpool’s next manager will not have an easy job. Replacing Jurgen Klopp is about as impossible of a task as you can get.

The German will be leaving a gaping abyss at Anfield that will be very difficult to fill. Right now Liverpool are doing their very best to try and find ways to fill it.

However, at this moment in time nothing has been settled yet. It’s true 39-year-old Ruben Amorim is the favourite to take over, but it’s not guaranteed that he will.

Speaking on Redmen TV, journalist Neil Jones has been discussing some other potential candidates, including someone he is surprised not have seen being linked with Liverpool.

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Neil Jones explains why he is surprised about Steven Gerrard

Among the myriad of names mentioned for the job, one man who hasn’t really been linked is Steven Gerrard.

Speaking on Redmen TV, Neil Jones admitted he was surprised Gerrard’s name hasn’t been mentioned for the job.

“I am a little bit surprised, maybe a little bit surprised that we haven’t seen Steven being positioned or even positioning himself a little bit and sort of saying well you know don’t forget about me,” Jones said.

“Okay, you can accept I had a bad time at Villa and I went to Saudi Arabia and it’s a little bit out of sight to the main stream. But don’t forget Jürgen anointed him. I think he basically said he will be the next Liverpool manager or he will be a future Liverpool manager.

“So, I am a little bit surprised there’s been no talk really about him. Even from his side I don’t know if he’s been asked. I’d be surprised if he hasn’t people wouldn’t be doing their jobs if someone hasn’t said to him at one of his team’s games would you be interested.

“But yeah you’d think if the was 18 months to two years ago every story would have been Steven Gerrard to Liverpool. And I am a little bit surprised at that even and maybe that tells you a little bit about how quickly things change in management.”

Could Steven Gerrard really replace Jurgen Klopp

On the surface, it may not be a surprise that much of a surprise to not see his name linked considering Gerrard didn’t have a great time at Aston Villa and he is managing in Saudi Arabia now.

However, before that, he delivered a league title to Rangers for the first time in a decade and ended Celtic’s dominance in the Scottish top flight.

He’s someone who was captain at Liverpool for many years, and he understands the pressures of the job.

Still only 43-years-old, he’s got time to hone his skills further as a manager. Perhaps this move might be a bit too early for him now, but in the future we can see how Gerrard could be a good fit.