Scott Brown answers the Celtic question ‘everyone’ has been asking

Scott Brown will go down in history as one of the most successful captains of the club since Billy McNeill.

Winning ten Scottish Premiership titles, six Scottish Cups and seven League Cups, Broony was a major part of Celtic dominance of Scottish football that saw the club rake in a second nine-in-a-row and a Quadruple Treble.

To do that, however, Brown worked under managers like Gordon Strachan, Neil Lennon twice, Ronny Deila and Martin O’Neill.

So you could say he has learned from some of the best and biggest names in the game. So with his history with the club, does Brown now have ambitions to manage the great Parkhead club?

Scott Brown wants to ‘earn’ Celtic job

The legendary captain is currently cutting his teeth in the managerial game. Taken on as a coach at Aberdeen after leaving Celtic, Brown then went on to manage Fleetwood Town where he had a degree of success and he now finds himself at Ayr United.

Focused on the long-term goal of getting the south coast club into the Scottish Premiership, Brown was asked if one day he would love to take on the Parkhead hot seat.

Brown said [Scottish Football Podcast], Everyone says that. I think for me, I need to just worry about myself. At Celtic what I have done and how I’ve played that’s all in the past.

“You don’t become the manager because you just played at Celtic. You’ve not got the right to manage Celtic. You have to go and earn it.

“And you have to be qualified because you’ve taken good quality players that have a right good IQ about the game and understand that and you need to make sure you can make them better.

Photo by Ian MacNicol/Getty Images

“And you have to also have that passion to the fans. Yeah, I have got that understanding about what they want and how the club works but you have to drive them.”

There is no doubt that Brown has the passion to lead our club and he has also shown he has good managerial ability.

But could he actually do a job for Celtic? It’s a question that’s been on the lips of the supporters for along time and if he was ever given that opportunity, I am certain that the fans would be 100% behind him if that day ever comes.