Hayfever hack using simple home product hailed as ‘lifesaving’ by allergy victims

If you’re one of the millions affected by a more intense allergy season this year, then you’d undoubtedly love to learn of the simple hayfever hack that one content creator swears by.

Thanks to climate change, 2024’s hay fever season is more intense and longer than ever. Though there are various supplements and medications available, sufferers are constantly on the lookout for new tips, tricks, and health hacks.

Credit: Andrew Fox

The viral hack for hayfever season

Taking to TikTok, Bambi (@bambidoesbeauty) shared a hay fever hack that earned her 4.1 million views and nearly 300k likes.

She explained: “If you get allergies, this is going to be a lifesaver. Get your Vaseline stick and put a little on a cotton bud. Put it around the end of your nose and it’s gonna trap the pollen particles. Thank me later.”

If you don’t have a Vaseline stick, then any variation of the product will also do the same job.

Though Bambi is no medical professional, the process is also recommended by the NHS, the Mayo Clinic, and Nasonex Allergy.

“Putting Vaseline underneath your nose is a good one, as it can trap the pollen before it enters the nasal passages,” Doctor Laura Lenihan told RSVP Live. “Other things like wearing wraparound sunglasses can stop the pollen getting into your eyes and causing itchy, watery eyes.

Some were confused by the idea

Though many of Bambi’s followers thanked her for the tip, a lot of people were more focused on the idea of a Vaseline stick. Presumably, they aren’t available in every country.

“WHERE WERE YOU A MONTH AGO?!? After nothing worked, I went to acupuncture so I am fine now. You could have saved me so much money,”

In contrast, someone pointed out: “Hayfever isn’t just sneezing tho!!! what about my breathing difficulties and my eyes.”

“That would be great if my nose wasn’t always so runny,” someone else admitted.