Teenagers charged after Ford, Hyundai and Chevrolet set alight in The Chase, Tonbridge

A pair of teenagers have been charged with arson after three vehicles were destroyed in a suspected arson attack.

Fire crews were called to The Chase in Tonbridge at 12.20am on May 18 last year where a Ford, Hyundai and Chevrolet were alight.

Two teenagers have been charged in connection with a suspected arson attack. Stock image: KFRS

Police also attended and by around 1.45am four suspects were identified and arrested – a 20-year-old man, two teenage girls and a boy.

Permission was granted yesterday (April 17) by the Crown Prosecution Service to charge two teenagers with three counts of arson with recklessness as to whether life was endangered.

The juveniles, whose ages and genders have not been released by police, are due to appear before Medway Youth Court in June.
