Burghfield man Mantas Simaitis accused of planning to distribute indecent film of children

A MAN has been accused of possessing hundreds of indecent images of children and planning to distribute them to others.

Mantas Simaitis appeared in the dock at Reading Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, April 17.

Reading Magistrates Courts

Specifically, the 39-year-old, of Charlie Brown Road, Burghfield, is charged with making a total of 60 moving and 150 still indecent images of a child in Category A - the most serious, typically involving penetrative sexual activity, sexual activity with an animal, or sadism.

He is further charged with making 252 still and 48 movies images in Category B.

Next, Mr Simaitis is accused of making 190 still and 16 moving images in Category C.

Finally, Mr Simaitis is charged with possessing indecent images of children in all three categories with a view to distributing or showing them to others.

All the offences were said to have been committed in Burghfield on July 12, 2020.

Mr Simaitis was legally represented at the preliminary hearing but Jamie Renuka, prosecuting, was advised that a Lithuanian interpreter would be necessary and none was available that day.

The court was advised that Mr Simaitis intended to contest the charges.

District judge Berenice Mulvanny said she was unhappy proceeding without an interpreter and announced that the hearing would be adjourned until a later date.

Mr Simaitis was meanwhile released on unconditional bail.