Climate Protesters Rush Sen. Murkowski, Their Own Turn Against Them After It Devolves Into Scuffle

@ClimateDefiance / X screen shot

There is always a kind of grim satisfaction in watching leftist lunatics get eaten by their own.

Especially when those lunatics have recently been blocking highways and streets, vandalizing works of art, or just generally making major nuisances of themselves by disrupting people's lives.

This time, the disruption happened at a gala honoring Republican Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski.

Thursday on X, the group Climate Defiance denounced Murkwoski as a "murderer" and declared that they "shut down" the event because "she incinerates us to enrich her cronies."

"As Chevron's top lobbyist gave her an award, we stepped in and stopped the ceremony. Respect us or expect us," they threatened.

The video, however, told a much different story.

BREAKING: We just shut down a gala honoring U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski. Murkowski is a murderer. She incinerates us to enrich her cronies. As Chevron's top lobbyist gave her an award, we stepped in and stopped the ceremony. Respect us or expect us. 🧵

— Climate Defiance (@ClimateDefiance) April 18, 2024

About half a dozen protesters rushed the stage holding a banner. A woman who appeared to be Murkowski could be seen calmly walking away from the microphone.

As people tried to remove the protesters, a scuffle ensued. One of the activists fell off the stage, the rest fell over a table right after him, and they all landed on top of each other in an undignified heap.

The shouting from each side was more or less indecipherable, but one girl could be heard accusing Murkowski of "ecocide."

It's almost impressive how badly the protesters failed.

They didn't "shut down" the event. They didn't even stop Murkowski from giving her speech -- according to the Daily Beast, once the activists were removed, the gala continued as if nothing had happened.

Social media users were not rushing to congratulate them, either.

While there were obviously plenty of conservatives jumping on the pile, several self-identified liberals heaped criticism on the climate nuts too.

"I’m a proud liberal, but this isn’t protesting, it’s showboating and farcical, and quite frankly embarrassing," one posted.