Designermakers 21’s ‘Print in Action’ day is big success

An educational day of hands-on printmaking was hosted by a Diss crafting centre, raising £120 in the process.

Around 100 people visited designermakers21 on April 13, with the majority taking the opportunity to try their hand at cyanotype, lithography, linocut and screen process methods.

The annual event gathered donations towards the future of designermakers21, which recently secured enough funds to buy its building in St Nicholas Street.

Anna Armsby and Elaine Stubbings. Picture: Mark Bullimore
Mike Fenton with Lino Cut Etching. Picture: Mark Bullimore
Marco Rayment demonstrating screen printing to Sue and Paul Scheller. Picture: Mark Bullimore
Val Bellward and Penny Wickerson. Picture: Mark Bullimore
Rachel Wiles and her cyanotype. Picture: Mark Bullimore
Watercolour illustrator Harriet Broadley. Picture: Mark Bullimore

Marco Rayment, treasurer for designermakersCIO, described the print in action day as a way to “promote, improve and advance education in and appreciation of the arts”.

He added: “There was a real buzz at designermakers21, with lots of people getting stuck-in to some great printing experiences, and enjoying the print exhibition upstairs.”

Having bought the building, all funds are now going towards a £46,000 target, which will be matched by the Government, to fund repairs.