‘We are firmly on the side of those who work in retail’ says Newbury MP Laura Farris amid Government retail crime crackdown

We are firmly on the side of those who work in retail, the Newbury MP has said as the Government introduces a crackdown on retail crime.

Laura Farris has endorsed the Prime Minister’s announcement of the new action to amend the Criminal Justice Bill.

Newbury MP Laura Farris

The amendment will make assaulting a retail worker a standalone criminal offence.

Perpetrators will face being sent to prison for up to six months, receiving an unlimited fine, and being banned from going back to the shop where they committed their crime.

In almost all cases, perpetrators can expect to receive a Criminal Behaviour Order which will bar them from visiting specific premises, facing up to five year behind bars for any breach.

Mrs Farris said: “Since 2010, we have cut violent crime by over 51 per cent and domestic burglary by 48 per cent.

“But we recognise that shoplifting has been on the increase and we want to send the clearest signal that we are firmly on the side of those who work in retail.

“It is totally unacceptable that retail workers experience verbal abuse and sometimes violent assaults, simply for doing their job.”

The minister for victims and safeguarding added: “That is why we have launched a tough crackdown on these offences through a raft of new measures.

“The new standalone offence for assaulting retail workers will be accompanied by a bespoke package of sanctions, delivering on our plan to drive down crime.”

The Government is expanding the use of GPS tagging for repeat shoplifters.

And it is investing £55m into live facial recognition technology which it says has demonstrated remarkable results in identifying criminals in public places when their image is already held by the police.

This will include £4m for bespoke mobile units that can be deployed to high streets for use in crowded areas where shoplifting may be prevalent.