Dover’s Cabin News stripped of licence after selling vodka to 13-year-old

A convenience store has had its alcohol licence revoked after selling two vodka bottles to a 13-year-old.

The owner of Cabin News in Dover had even been warned a test purchase was impending just a week before staff handed the strong spirits to the child.

Cabin News in Dover sold two bottles of vodka to a 13-year-old child. Picture: Google

Now, the shop’s alcohol licence has been stripped after a concerned parent discovered their teenager had been sold the spirits.

When officers visited the store the week before in January, they not only warned a test purchase was on the horizon but advised staff on ways to prevent underage sales.

After the parent alerted officers of the illegal sale, a probe revealed two bottles of vodka had been sold to the child. The owner could not explain why.

Following a Dover District Council licensing hearing on March 20, the newsagent’s authorisation to sell alcohol was revoked indefinitely.

PC Danielle Rolfe said: “Laws prohibiting the underage sale of alcohol are in place for a very good reason, to protect the health and well-being of children.

Cabin News in London Road, Dover has had it's licence to sell alcohol revoked. Picture: Google

“With the help of partner agencies, we will continue to enforce those laws to protect young people, and I hope the action taken here sends out a warning to other premises that such sales have serious consequences.”