Resident suffers leg burns after candle sparks blaze in home in Spencer Street Gravesend

A resident was treated for burns after a fire started by a candle.

The blaze began at a home in Spencer Street, Gravesend at 7.30pm yesterday.

Two fire crews attended the scene. Stock picture

The candle was not fully extinguished when thrown in a bin, where it caused a small amount of rubbish to catch fire. The blaze then spread to the carpet on the landing.

It took two fire crews an hour to put it out and make everything safe.

One person was given first aid for a burn to their leg.Afterwards, Kent Fire and Rescue Service issued a warning to people to be careful when using candles. A spokesman said residents should check they are completely out and fully cooled before throwing them away and that lighted candles should also be kept well away from anything that could catch fire such as curtains, bedding, paper, plants, and clothing.