Michael Owen sends Arsenal message to Liverpool about the Premier League title race

Liverpool and Arsenal did their respective jobs this weekend in the Premier League title race.

How costly the previous Sunday will be for both sides remains to be seen, but pressure has now been put back on favourites Manchester City.

Arsenal are sitting top of the table, same points as Liverpool but ahead on goal difference, with Pep Guardiola’s side one point behind and having a game in hand.

If this comes down to goal difference, and there is every chance it could given how tight it is, then Mikel Arteta’s side are leading the way.

The current table-toppers have a goal difference of +51, with Liverpool on +43 and Manchester City just slightly ahead on +44.

Whilst all the talk is about stopping the current champions and hoping they slip up during these coming weeks.

Michael Owen was sure to point out that Liverpool also need Arsenal to ‘slip up’ because of their superior goal difference, as he told Premier League Productions (21/04/24 at 6:35 pm).

Not only do the Merseyside club feel the need that they have to win their remaining games to stand a chance of becoming champions before Klopp leaves.

They might also require some big victories, and given how rusty and toothless the forward line has looked for many weeks, it’s unlikely that is going to happen.

Therefore, whilst Klopp will focus on his players doing their jobs, some sort of favour will certainly be required from others.

Liverpool and Arsenal in the Premier League title race

“Unfortunately for Liverpool now they are playing catch up really,” said Owen. “They are going to hope for a mistake and they have had a poor couple of weeks – and now it’s not in their hands. They have to win all their games and keep their fingers crossed.

“I can’t really see Manchester City slipping up. They haven’t in the past during the run-in.

“The other thing is that they have got to hope that Arsenal slip-up as well. It’s not just Manchester City here. Yes, they are in pole position because they have played one game less. But Arsenal are on the same points as Liverpool and have got a big goal difference, so they need Arsenal to slip up as well.”

Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images

Derby games coming up

This is where the title race could take another twist because, whilst Liverpool travel to Goodison Park to take on Everton.

Arsenal have two huge London derby games this week – starting with Chelsea and then the small matter of their north London showdown against Tottenham.

On one hand, if they drop points, then the likes of Liverpool and Man City will feel they will be heading into the final few weeks in familiar terrority and the battle will be between them both.

But, on the other, if Arsenal claim maximum points, then just imagine what that will do to confidence and morale, so this is going to be a crucial week for all.