Donation appeal launched for new floor at St Giles Community Centre in Balderton

An appeal has been launched for donations to help pay for a new floor costing £25,000 after the collapsed floor was found to be soaking wet and rotted.

The floor at the main hall at St Giles Community Centre, Balderton started to collapse. When a portion of the floor was lifted to be inspected about a month and a half ago, it revealed a raised water table.

The hall, which was refurbished eight years ago, is temporarily closed as repair works are ongoing.

St Giles Church Warden, Ian Lawrence outside St Giles Community Hall

St Giles Church warden Ian Lawrence is appealing to the community for donations as the money used to pay for the repair works is from other funds and needs to be replaced.

The church manages the community centre, however, it is used by different groups such as fitness groups, community groups for elderly people, the U3A, brownies, guides and other activity groups.

The natural drainage around the hall has been impaired due to blocked ditches in the local area, made worse by the recent extended period of heavy rain.

The whole floor was deemed unsafe until it could be replaced. It cost £12,000 just for the materials to support the floor and the total cost is expected to be between £25,000 and £30,000.

Main Hall

“It has been there as an asset originally, as a school, and then it reverted to being just a community hall that the church has available for the community,” said Ian.

“It is very much in demand, we keep the hire charges as low as we can to make it affordable for people and that is one of the reasons why it is so popular.”

Anyone who wishes to donate to the cost of repairs can do so by cheque payable to St Giles Balderton BCC via their treasurer Michael Wilson c/o The Vicarague, 107 Main St Balderton.

St Giles Church Warden, Ian Lawrence in the main hall

They can also make a donation by direct bank transfer and details are posted in the foyer of the community centre.

Ian added: “We are doing all we can to accommodate many existing bookings for the large hall into alternative spaces including the church but others may have to be postponed.

“We are doing our best to bring the large hall back into use as quickly as possible.”