Fenland GP practice worker wins national award

A Fenland Group Practice staff member has won a prestigious national Our Health Heroes award.

Social prescriber Cat Carman was named runner-up in the Operational Support Worker of the Year category.

Since joining the practice - which has surgeries in Doddington, Manea and Wimblington - in 2020, Cat has spearheaded a number of health promotion initiatives across Fenland, including the creation of a carers support group and helping parents of autistic children to access care.

Cat Carman receiving her award

The role of a Social Prescriber is broad, and Cat has made a massive impact across the community of Fenland since being in post.

One notable example saw Cat help an army veteran who was sleeping rough off the streets.

The man, who had served in Afghanistan and was diagnosed with PTSD, was sleeping rough for many years, unable to find accommodation as housing providers would not accept his pet cat.

Accepting her prize at a glittering awards ceremony held in London, Cat said: “Being here and talking to the other winners, it's just been an absolutely lovely experience, really joyful.

“I'm really honoured, but I also recognise that the NHS is a massive team. And, you know, teamwork makes the dream work.”