Assessing Ukrainian businesses’ generating potential amid Russian attacks

Consequences of a Russian attack on one of the DTEK TPPs

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"I believe that we could still manage to build up to 1,000 MW of capacity by winter if we start doing it today," Heletukha said.

"A more realistic goal might see us achieving only half of that by year's end."

Heletukha urged the Ukrainian government to adopt a comprehensive program to develop distributed generation, incorporating input from various business entities. These proposals include lifting price caps on the electricity market, facilitating access to credit programs like the 5-7-9 initiative for energy facilities, streamlining network connection procedures, and extending favorable conditions to support projects with significant investments in distributed energy sources.

Read also: 80% of generation lost: DTEK CEO highlights energy sector’s severe challenges amid war

Among the advantages of distributed generation (primarily gas-based, including renewable), Heletukha highlighted their shorter construction timelines and easier access to financing. He suggested that prioritizing these projects over centralized nuclear units and the repair of damaged thermal and hydroelectric power plants could offer greater resilience to Ukraine's energy infrastructure.

Read also: Energy minister: Ukraine's power grid resilient against Russian attacks

In the wake of Russian missile strikes, Ukraine has reportedly lost a significant portion of its generation capabilities. Two power stations at the Dnipro Dam are completely shut down and thermal generation at state-owned Centrenergo facilities has been completely destroyed. DTEK thermal power plants have reported significant damage, with up to 80% of their thermal generation capacity impacted. The TEС-5 in Kharkiv (combined heat and power plant) has been virtually demolished.

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Section: Nation

Author: Владислава Топоркова