Guided bombs from Russia destroy building entry in Kozatske, Kherson Oblast

An entry section of a five-story building in Kozatske destroyed by a Russian bomb strike on April 21

One of the bombs demolished the entrance section of a five-story residential building. Another building in the vicinity caught fire due to the attack. Fortunately, there were no civilian injuries reported from this particular incident.

Oleksandr Prokudin via Telegram

No civilians were injured in the Russian attack.

Read also: Casualties reported in Kherson as Russian military strikes residential neighborhoods

Russia shelled an agricultural enterprise and a gas pipeline in Kherson Oblast, as well as residential areas in the region on April 20, Prokudin reported earlier. The attack damaged 12 houses in the region. The aggressor also hit an educational institution and a catering facility.

Russia shelled Kherson, injuring at least two residents on April 21.

Read also: Emergency blackouts implemented in Kherson Oblast following Russian strike

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Section: Nation

Author: Богуслав Романенко