Men’s mental health event to be hosted at Leverington Football Club in June

Businesses and people in sports are being sought to help with an upcoming event to raise awareness of men’s mental health.

Matthew Warren, who is a Leverington football coach as well as manager for Wisbech Primary Care Network, has been organising the event along with others to help reach out to men struggling with their mental health.

The first event will be held at Leverington Sports and Social Club on Saturday, June 15.

Matthew Warren is one of the organisers of the event

A total of 100 patients across four GP surgeries in the Wisbech area have been invited to the event.

Matthew said: “We are hoping if it's successful. It will be held over the year, possibly every two or three months depending on feedback.”

Now, companies are being asked to attend the event or help promote it.

Activities will take place throughout the day, including walking football, dodgeball and tug of war - before stopping for lunch and then resuming an open session - listening to men and the difficulties around health and a chance to build a future programme to support men.

Matthew added: “The idea for the day is to invite about 100 of our current patients that suffer from bad mental health - including ones that are also suicidal - and give them a platform to access services that they would possibly not be aware of and also engage with other men suffering with mental health.

“We are also hoping that a local sportsperson will give a talk on their own experiences in suffering with mental health while playing at an elite level of sport.

“At the end, we will have a very open discussion to ask them what is it that they need for this event to be successful in the future and what services they need the most.”

This discussion would be run by Matthew, who has lost his best friend to suicide and has also recently seen a close family member experience poor mental health.

Tickets can be purchased for the event - which is free of charge - via its Eventbrite page.

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