Loved-up Three Counties Running Club member proposes after completing Manchester Marathon

A loved-up Three Counties Running Club member proposed to his stunned partner just after she completed the Manchester Marathon.

Nervous Craig Freestone ran 26 miles before getting down on one knee and popping the question to fellow member Tracey Else after she crossed the finishing line.

Freestone, who had just finished his second Manchester Marathon and fourth in total, feared he wouldn’t get his big moment which had been a few weeks in the planning with the support of organisers.

Three Counties Running Club's Craig Freestone pops the question to Tracey Else

He explained: “We were waiting at the finish line and when Tracey came across the finish line because she was tired and she almost collapsed coming through, I got her to stand up,”

“She then went a bit wobbly and the medics came over and said they would take her to the first aid tent.

“I was saying no she’s ok she just needs to stand for a bit as I didn’t want my planned surprise proposal being ruined."

Although Else accepted, there were a couple of things on her checklist first.

“When we were talking about proposals, Tracey told me that I had to ask her sons’ permission first,” Freestone said.

“This was old school style, I had to ask her dad too. After I went down on one knee, she first said, ‘have you asked my dad?’ I said yes and then we hugged and everything and I said, ‘is that a yes then?’

Les Phillips also joined the love birds at the 12th Manchester event.

The event is the UK's second-largest marathon and one of Europe's largest is an iconic event drawing participants from all over the world to the vibrant streets of Greater Manchester.

Freestone and Else have both previously run Marathons before but this was Phillips’ first event.

The weather wasn't too bad for the runners with a cold start but it soon got warmer towards the end.

The first club member home for the club was Freestone in a great time of 3:31:25 followed by Les Phillips 4:43:25 (PB), a fantastic time for his first-ever event just ahead of Tracey Else in a great time of 4:52:58.

Pictured, from left, are: Tracey Else, Les Phillips and Craig Freestone

All three of the members had fantastic runs but the celebrations were only beginning for tired duo Freestone and Else.