Zelenskyy thanks U.S. Senate for approving aid bill to Ukraine

Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Joe Biden

Zelenskyy thanked Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell for their leadership in advancing the bipartisan legislation, as well as all American senators from both parties who voted for the bill to pass.

"I am also grateful to all Americans who continue to support Ukraine and understand that the historic significance of this bill goes beyond politics," Zelenskyy said.

Read also: U.S. House of Representatives passes $60 billion Ukraine aid bill

"I also appreciate President Biden's support and look forward to the swift signing of the bill and the provision of the next package of military assistance that will match the determination I always feel in our negotiations."

Ukraine's long-range capabilities, artillery, and air defense are extremely important tools for the fastest possible restoration of a just peace, he added.

Read also: Ukraine's Foreign Minister declares U.S. aid bill a 'bad day for Putin'

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Section: Nation

Author: Марія Кабат