Everything you need to know about the East Midlands Mayoral election on May 2

With the election to decide the first ever East Midlands Mayor just days away on May 2, here are the answers to some of the most common questions about the new East Midlands Combined County Authority:

What is the East Midlands Combined County Authority (EMCCA)?

It’s a new body set up by four councils to invest in homes, skills, transport and the environment across the region covered by Derbyshire, Derby, Nottinghamshire and Nottingham.

It will be using new powers given to the region by government so decisions previously taken in Westminster will now be taken in the East Midlands.

Ballot box.

Why are we getting a Combined Authority?

So it can look specifically at big issues that affect the whole region and take a joined-up approach to dealing with them that provides greater benefits across a wider area.

What is its purpose?

To use new powers and extra funds to build on the region’s strengths and help tackle its challenges with the aim of making it more prosperous, sustainable and fairer.

How will it do this?

By growing the economy through long-term investment; matching skills to business needs, helping firms create better-paid, better-quality jobs; developing a net zero economy with a resilient energy supply; investing in robust infrastructure that enables businesses to grow and homes to be built where they’re needed; and enabling joined-up transport links that make it easier to travel and connect more people to more opportunities.

How much will it invest?

Government has committed to giving the EMCCA access to more than £4 billion in funding so far, some of it as core funding over the next 30 years, some of it to invest in specific initiatives.

However, the Combined Authority will also aim to attract further public and private investment and will also be able to borrow money to invest in growth.

Who will lead the Combined Authority?

Like combined authorities in some of our neighbouring regions, the EMCCA will be led by a mayor, who will be elected by the public every four years.

The first Mayoral Election takes place on May 2 across Derbyshire and Derby, Nottinghamshire and Nottingham.

East Midlands Combined County Authority logo.

What powers will the mayor have?

The powers of the elected mayor include: setting a budget; creating a Mayoral Development Area and Development Corporation to accelerate development and regeneration; powers to acquire land for housing; transport powers at regional level.

How is this different to my local council?

EMCCA is being given powers currently held by government so that decisions on major issues can be taken in the region, by the region.

EMCCA will therefore concentrate on large-scale issues that have the potential to improve the whole of the East Midlands. While it will collaborate with other councils, it will not duplicate what they do or provide services that are best delivered locally.

Over time, it may take over some of their transport powers to help develop a more joined-up transport network.

Who else is on the Combined Authority?

The four councils who have come together to form the EMCCA will each nominate two of their existing councillors to serve on the authority as well (one of these councillors will serve as deputy mayor).

There will also be four councillors from across the districts and boroughs in the area, and four associate members representing particular sections of the region’s community (such as business). In total the EMCCA will have 17 members.

How are we paying for it?

EMCCA’s running costs will come from government. So will the initial £4bn in funding for investment.

Why does this matter?

These new powers mean the East Midlands will have more control over its future. Our area has consistently received levels of public funding below the national average, and the mayor and EMCCA will aim to invest significantly more to build on its potential, improve its economic performance, raise skill levels and help it prepare for net zero. The elected mayor will also provide the East Midlands with a strong voice able to make the case nationally for greater investment here.

Isn’t this just another council?

Government has given the East Midlands new powers and the East Midlands Combined County Authority has been set up to use them. These powers relate to activities across the whole of Derbyshire, Derby, Nottinghamshire and Nottingham and have not been available to the region before.

Why can’t our existing councils do this?

Local councils are set up to provide local services in defined areas. They don’t have powers or capacity to operate across the whole region.

Ballot box

How can we afford this when we know councils have financial challenges?

Alongside the new powers, government has given EMCCA new funding, separate to the funding given to existing local authorities. This is existing government funding but decisions about how it is spent will now be taken in the East Midlands.

Is EMCCA going to take money away from local councils?

Government is providing the funds for EMCCA’s operations. Districts and boroughs will not contribute to its running costs.

Does this mean we’ll get another layer of bureaucracy?

EMCCA will have only a small team focused on specific responsibilities – housing, skills, transport and the environment. The transfer of powers means they will be doing work previously carried out by government.

Why aren’t Leicestershire, Lincolnshire and Northants involved?

While some of our neighbouring areas have decided they want to pursue alternative arrangements, EMCCA will collaborate with them on issues of mutual benefit.

Why do we need a mayor?

The East Midlands Combined County Authority is based on a model successfully pursued by neighbouring regions such as the West Midlands, Greater Manchester and South Yorkshire.

They have elected mayors who act as a strong voice making the case nationally for increased investment in their regions.