White House Changes How Biden Walks to and from Marine One in Attempt to Shield Him from Bad Optics: Report

Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images

President Joe Biden now will have assistance as he goes to and from Marine One at the White House, as those closest to him try to shield his gait from the media, a new report says.

The 81-year-old has made headlines throughout his presidency for his struggles with fine motor skills.

In addition to several falls while boarding Air Force One and issues boarding Marine One, questions about his gait and appearance in recent crossings of the South Lawn have been raised.

Biden sometimes appears unsteady, wobbly, aimless and generally does not pick his feet up as high as he once did when walking.

Axios reported Friday that, in general, Biden no longer will walk to and from Marine One alone at the White House but will have people alongside him to shield him from cameras.

SCOOP: Biden is now often surrounded by aides when walking across the South Lawn to and from Marine One.

• They usually walk between the 81-year-old and journalists' camera position to draw less attention to his halting and stiff gait. https://t.co/WqkzmLTd9Q

— Axios (@axios) April 26, 2024

Reporting for the outlet, Hans Nichols and Alex Thompson wrote:

“With aides walking between Biden and journalists' camera position outside the White House, the visual effect is to draw less attention to the 81-year-old's halting and stiff gait.

“Some Biden advisers have told Axios they're concerned that videos of Biden walking and shuffling alone — especially across the grass — have highlighted his age.”

According to Axios, Biden’s team hopes to change the narrative that he is too old to serve another term in the White House.

As far as noticeable changes to Biden’s gait, his doctors have attributed them to “spinal arthritis" as well as "mild sensory peripheral neuropathy of the feet.”

Biden now often wears special shoes intended to give him more support and stability.

Joe Biden’s new ‘boat anchor’ shoes meant for maximum ‘stability’ as president’s falls spark concern https://t.co/dPx2a7URNL pic.twitter.com/ZTdiSf278W

— New York Post (@nypost) March 18, 2024

Axios looked at the president’s solo walks to and from Marine One in recent weeks and noticed the new travel policy appears to be in place.

Per the outlet, Biden boarded the helicopter five times in March either alone or with a family member, but of the 10 times he has boarded the chopper since April 16, he has been accompanied by lawmakers or staff for nine of them.

Biden was accompanied by six people on Tuesday as he left the White House en route to Florida.

HAPPENING NOW: President Biden ignores reporters as he leaves off the South Lawn, en route to Florida with his handlers and staff members in tow. pic.twitter.com/B2oq38aDqT

— MONICA PAIGE✰OANN (@MonicaPaigeTV) April 23, 2024

Last summer, Biden began to board Air Force One from a lower staircase than the one he and his predecessors usually had climbed when boarding the aircraft.

Biden once again takes no questions as he boards Air Force One using the shorter stairs on the belly of the plane pic.twitter.com/yx26yoWAiH

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 20, 2023

The change was made after some highly publicized issues navigating the taller staircase.

US president Joe Biden stumbles on the steps to his Air Force One plane, but appears unhurt and carries on unaided.

Watch more videos from Sky News: https://t.co/bcUgGaimHH pic.twitter.com/G9Pm2qMJeA

— Sky News (@SkyNews) March 19, 2021

Biden falls up the stairs to Air Force One AGAIN today! This guy needs the stair lift! And, where’s faithful caregiver Docta Jill to hold him up? pic.twitter.com/sPcVUJ8OBO

— Ens. Ardon Rector Ives (@ArdonIves) February 23, 2023

As The Washington Times noted, the shift to the lower staircase did not help the president during one trip in February, when he nearly lost his footing while navigating it.
