'Sir': Trump supporter goes silent when confronted by CNN about 'God' in the Constitution

Trump supporter Julian Lightfoot clashes with CNN's Donie O'Sullivan (CNN screenshot).

CNN's Donie O'Sullivan clashed with Julian Lightfoot, a Donald Trump supporter who was stunned to learn that "God" does not appear anywhere in the Constitution.

The interaction was part of an advance excerpt from "Misinformation: The Trump Faithful," scheduled to air on Sunday, and follows up on a number of other interviews he has held with Trump supporters, including another who told him Trump is "pretty doggone close" to Jesus in what he went through and represents to the world.

"The job of a journalist is to ask the questions, allow the person to speak, and just report the facts, what was spoken," said Lightfoot. "Would you like for me to pull up the definition of journalists?"

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"That's okay, but thank you, Julian," said O'Sullivan.

"I have a God-given right to speak my own truth," she continued.

"But there are facts, right?" O'Sullivan pressed her.

"The facts have shown that the election was stolen," said Lightfoot. "Whether you're willing to look at that and accept that and really show what's going on, that's your issue, not ours. We want the God-given freedom that our Constitution and our Bill of Rights is based on."

"God-given constitutional rights," repeated O'Sullivan. "They're two different things, right?"

"No, sir, they're not," insisted Lightfoot. "Read, R-E-A-D the Constitution, read it out loud to yourself, so that you hear what the words of the Constitution say."

"God isn't mentioned in the Constitution," said O'Sullivan.

"Sir," chided Lightfoot. She proceeded to pull out her phone and look up the verbatim text of the Constitution, staring silently at it as she looked for any mention of God, at which point the footage cut back to anchor Jake Tapper in the newsroom with O'Sullivan.

"What happened after she looked it up?" asked Tapper.

"We found out that God is not mentioned in the Constitution," said O'Sullivan, adding that attitudes like Lightfoot's aren't unique. "There's this conflation between the United States and between the land of the Bible, and it's because of that that a lot of these folks who are also convinced that the election was stolen, they now view this as a kind of Biblical crusade to steal it back and to save America. So it's misinformation on top of a very perverse view of patriotism and Christianity."

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Trump supporter Julian Lightfoot learns God is not in the Constitution www.youtube.com

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