Breaking: Biden Changes Stance on Debates - Trump Team Responds

Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images; Spencer Platt / Getty Images

One day after the New York Times criticized President Joe Biden for "actively and effectively avoid[ing] questions from independent journalists during his term," Biden may have been looking to rehabilitate his image as a president too scared to take tough questions.

In a statement on Thursday, The Times warned that "systematically avoiding interviews and questions from major news organizations doesn't just undermine an important norm, it also establishes a dangerous precedent that future presidents can use to avoid scrutiny and accountability."

So, on Friday, when radio host Howard Stern asked Biden if he was willing to debate former President Trump, Biden said he would be "happy to."

"I am, somewhere, I don't know when. I'm happy to debate him," Biden told Stern during an interview on his show.

One can only imagine Biden's handlers cringing as the words left his mouth.

"I am somewhere, I don't know when, I'm happy to debate him." - Joe Biden, on debating Trump


— Kevin Dalton (@TheKevinDalton) April 26, 2024

Up until Friday, Biden had deftly avoided any suggestion of the two presidents debating.

In February, Biden dismissed Trump's demand for a debate between sips of boba tea, saying, "He's got nothing else to do," according to the U.K.'s Guardian.

In March, after being goaded by Trump once again, Biden put out a vague, "It depends on his behavior," according toReuters.

But on Friday, Biden eventually, albeit weakly, answered in the affirmative -- and you can bet your bottom dollar that Trump will not let it go.

Trump's campaign advisor, Chris LaCivita, immediately threw down the gauntlet, writing on X, "Ok, let's set it up !"

Ok let’s set it up !

— Chris LaCivita (@LaCivitaC) April 26, 2024

Trump was a little wordier in his acceptance, writing on Truth Social that he was even willing to debate Biden at the courthouse where he is currently on trial in a hush-money case.

"Crooked Joe Biden just announced that he's willing to debate! Everyone knows he doesn't really mean it, but in case he does, I say, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, ANYPLACE, an old expression used by Fighters," Trump wrote.

"I suggest Monday Evening, Tuesday Evening, or Wednesday Evening at my Rally in Michigan, a State that he is in the process of destroying with his E.V. Mandate," he continued.

"In the alternative, he's in New York City today, although probably doesn't know it, and so am I, stuck in one of the many Court cases that he instigated as ELECTION INTERFERENCE AGAINST A POLITICAL OPPONENT - A CONTINUING WITCH HUNT! It's the only way he thinks he can win. In fact, let's do the Debate at the Courthouse tonight - on National Television, I'll wait around!" he added.

It's obvious that Trump is champing at the bit to get a chance to hold Biden's feet to the fire for the disaster of the last three years. Biden may be deluded enough to think he could handle a debate with the former president, but it is very unlikely that the White House would allow Biden to go off script, especially with an opponent like Trump.

Biden can handle a few softball interviews and won't get laughed off the stage around a friendly crowd when he reads "Pause" on the teleprompter, à la Ron Burgundy, or reminisces about his uncle 'Bosie' getting eaten by cannibals.

But debating Trump is a whole different kind of animal.

We can hope that Biden will be allowed to keep his word, but I wouldn't hold my breath -- it would be too much like feeding Dory to the sharks.