Trump allies in A.Z. just made it easier for 'Biden to take that state': ex-GOP strategist

(Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

An indictment of Donald Trump's allies and associates in Arizona is one of the things that will make it easier for President Joe Biden to win that "battleground" state in the upcoming election, a former GOP strategist said on Saturday.

Former Republican strategist Tara Setmayer appeared on MSNBC's Ayman, where she was asked about what the indictments "spell out for the broader Republican party in Arizona, and nationally, due to these cases they are facing."

"Oh, it's a mess," she said. "I mean, it's absolute chaos, but that chaos is the point, they live on this in the Republican party now. Anytime you have trump you have chaos. This is a perfect example."

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Setmayer goes on to say the whole situation is "not a good look for them."

"And if people remember the cyber ninjas, that was Arizona. I mean, Arizona, right? They have been a circus for years, so I'm glad to see that finally people are being held accountable for that. The cyber ninjas was one of the most asinine things we have ever seen, and after the results of all that you had President Biden get 99 more votes than Trump, so even the Trump-friendly audit couldn't get more votes in Arizona."

She continued:

"This has been a slow trickle of problematic behavior by the Republican party in Arizona. Arizona is ground zero. It is ground zero for this election. The political tectonic plates have really shifted here between the Arizona abortion law, because they are trying to party like it's 1864 in Arizona. Now, you have this case reminding people of the cyber ninjas, and all the disastrous behavior after the election."

This, she said, is what gives Biden an edge.

"This has really put Arizona in a good place for the Democrats to swoop in, and for Joe Biden to take that state," she added. "It will take work, but this has opened it up, and I'm here for it."

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