'No Republican can vote for this guy': Trump panics over RFK Jr. in early morning rant

Donald Trump at a press conference in 2017.

On Sunday morning, Donald Trump launched another broadside at Robert Kennedy Jr. just days after reports showed the independent candidate could pull votes from the former president.

Late Friday, Trump jumped on Truth Social for a three-post attack on the longshot presidential candidate and Sunday morning was more of the same.

Acknowledging that Kennedy was on HBO's "Real Time" Friday evening, Trump claimed he finally sat down to watch the interview and, after seeing it, claimed no Republican should consider voting for the former Democrat.

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"I actually watched, first time in a long time, ratings challenged Bill Maher’s really boring interview with RFK Jr. last night, only to find that Junior’ is far more LIBERAL than Maher and, in fact, far more LIBERAL than anyone running as a Democrat, including West and Stein. Yet despite this, he has no hope as a Democrat because they were able to use their typically Fascist tactics of repression and throw him out of the Party, like a dog, because he was taking primary votes away from the worst President in the history of our Country, Crooked Joe Biden," he wrote.

"So now, Juniors’ a so-called Independent, but he’s not, he’s a Radical Left Lunatic, but trying to have it all ways. He said that 'No Vaccine is safe and effective,' and then said 'I would never say that, I’m not anti-vaccine!' Where did that come from? Maher defended the vaccine, which Junior’ actually seemed to agree with (WOW!), and then told him that his poll numbers have crashed. No Republican can vote for this guy. MAGA2024!"

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