Vet explains the correct way to remove ticks on your dog and highlights one common mistake

Tick infestation is any dog owner’s worst nightmare. Not only is it important to remove them as soon they are spotted, but you must also do it the right way to avoid further problems.

As well as in animals, tick bites can also cause health issues in humans and they are notorious for hiding in the least expected body parts. A vet on TikTok demonstrates the right way to separate the ticks from the body while avoiding a common mistake.


Vet shows how to remove ticks on your dog

Tickborne diseases cause severe symptoms in infected dogs, including fatigue, muscle aches, headache, fever, and more.

Your goal must be to keep your pets tick-free and if they happen to be infested, follow Dr. Lee Wai Wai’s guidance to get rid of it.

As soon you spot a tick on your dog – the leaner male or bulgy female ones – use a twister or your finger to pull it right out of the tip.

Ensure you don’t pluck the tick’s body apart and leave its head embedded into your dog’s skin.

The vet then highlights a common mistake that most people make to worsen the problem after removing the tick from their pooch’s body. Dr. Lee recommends only one way to get rid of it.

The right way to dispose of the tick

Often, people tend to smash and kill the tick after removing it from their dog’s skin, which the vet advises against.

Dr. Lee says you must never smash the tick as it ends up releasing hundreds and thousands of eggs. When the eggs that remain in your environment hatch, the chances of ticks crawling back into your furry friend’s skin are higher.

The vet suggests wrapping the removed ticks in toilet paper and flushing them down the toilet. This will stop the ticks from reinfesting your pet.

Dr. Lee Wai Wai is the founder of Malaysia’s Pet Health Community, PetMedic, and a Certified Pet First Aid Instructor. She has over 20 years of experience in the animal health industry and 10 years as a Pet First Aid Trainer.