Popular dating YouTuber gives practical yet undervalued advice on how to become 'irresistible'

Have you ever found yourself overthinking and obsessing over a man? Well, a famous YouTuber who has dedicated his life to helping women has shared useful advice that can change your perception of dating.

It’s easy to get lost in love and romance. But not at the cost of losing yourself. Best-selling author Brian Nox explains why you should never get attached to a man you like.

A happy young couple is on a Valentine’s day dinner date in a fancy restaurant.

Best-selling author’s advice on detaching yourself from a man

Here, Brian explains in detail what detachment means and how it needs to be implemented in your life and perception to navigate romantic relationships easily.

Detachment from outcome

Often, the thought of having met a potential partner knocks you off your feet. Not only do you start obsessing over the person, if you’re a hopeless romantic like me, but we also fantasize about a beautiful future with certain expectations.

And, this is precisely what Brian advises against. The YouTuber says women should never get attached to a man emotionally as it gives the latter more power and control over the former.

You may invest more time and energy than the man you’re interested in because you want to make the relationship work while they may not be as interested in you.

And, you hurt when the relationship doesn’t work and it may also feel like a big deal, while that’s not the case, says Brian.

The author says, if a man isn’t showing interest in you, either he’s genuinely busy to return your calls or texts or he just isn’t into you. Whereas, when a man has genuine feelings for you, they will make it known and you don’t have to overthink or try hard to get his attention.

Either way, you must realize he isn’t the one for you.Cope with the rejection healthily and move on with your life to find a partner who is worthy of you.

Do things on your own

Brian says you should never expect a man to “complete” you. You’re enough as a person – content and happy by yourself.

Expecting a man to make you feel better adds an onus on them and further drives them away as you come across as needy.

However, when you’re happy within and enjoy your own company, it makes you “irresistible” to a man, according to the YouTuber.

Learn to do things on your own; travel solo or take yourself on movie dates. When you do not wait for a prince charming to fulfill your desires, you won’t get hurt should the relationship fall apart.

Put yourself before him

Brian says your well-being should be “the most important thing on the planet” and it doesn’t make you selfish. Consistently making the man you like more important than you, will result in losing yourself.

The author advises asking yourself: “If my well-being is really important, what would I do in this situation?” As well as helping you detach yourself from the man and the situation, it also opens you up to other possibilities.

Brian is a YouTuber who has dedicated his channel to discussing all things relationship and dating. He boasts over 500,000 subscribers on YouTube.

He’s also written the best-selling book F*ck him! Nice Girls Always Finish Single – a guide on what women should and should not be doing to be of “high value”.