Dead pigeons spotted inside derelict Subway in Ramsgate

Grim footage shows dead pigeons strewn across an old town centre Subway sandwich shop floor.

The clip shows animal remains scattered among litter and discarded tables and chairs in the former Ramsgate branch.

Dozens are understood to be nesting inside the former popular takeaway spot, which shut several years ago, after the sandwich giant departed.

Having been posted on social media, the 14-second video triggered widespread concern, with some calling the situation “awful”.

“How does that even happen?” one Facebook user posted.

Pigeons have been found nesting inside the old Subway in Ramsgate town centre
Some of the pigeons have died

However, one resident commented that they believed the pigeons were getting seed and water, which was being put through the door.

One user said they understood plans were underway for the relevant authorities to gain access to the property.

Another user wrote: “This is so sad, been out here putting water down with three lovely women.”

Thanet District Council has been contacted for comment.