Pair win top honour for services to Diss

The recipients of this year’s Diss Honoured Citizen Awards have spoken of their delight.

Mary Cotton and Mike Garnham, who are both members of the Diss and District branch of the Royal British Legion, were announced as joint winners at the annual town meeting of Diss Town Council’s last week.

Mrs Cotton, from Uplands Way, was singled out for her dedicated fundraising for the organisation’s Poppy Appeal, collecting more than £6,000 over a 14-day stretch at Morrisons in Diss.

Mary Cotton was recognised for her service and dedication to the town. Pictures: Mark Bullimore

The 72 year-old said: “I was amazed and more than a little shocked when I received the letter about the Honoured Citizen – I even cried.

“I really feel proud that I have managed to do something good – and that it has been appreciated.”

As well as being part of the RBL in Diss for around 20 years, where at one time she was chairman of the now disbanded women’s branch, she is also an active member of the Waveney Choir, a volunteer at Diss Museum and a member of Diss U3A, Diss Woman’s Institute and Diss Royal Air Force Association.

Mike Garnham was recognised for her service and dedication to the town. Pictures: Mark Bullimore

Mr Garnham, who has been a standard bearer for the town’s RBL for six of the seven years he has been a part of it, was recognised for work behind the scenes in helping to organise Remembrance Sunday.

He was also given his certificate for his tireless work at Quaker Wood, where he mows the paths for much of the year and teaches young volunteer groups new skills, and for helping to maintain the boardwalk gardens.

The 73-year-old, who has lived in Diss his whole life, said: “It is quite a privilege, quite unexpected and I am chuffed to be given this award.

“I would like to say thank you to those who nominated me and felt I was worthy of this award. It came as a bit of a surprise.

“For both myself and Mary to be given this recognition on the 100th anniversary of the Diss and District branch of the RBL is very special.”

To nominate someone for the 2025 awards, go to the citizen awards section of the Diss Town Council website or call 01379 643848.