'Hell freezing over': Liberals shocked to agree with Jeanine Pirro on dead dog take

Jeanine Pirro (Photo via Shutterstock)

When Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) bragged in her new book about shooting her puppy for being disobedient and aggressive around livestock, she may readied herself for liberal outrage — but she likely wasn't expecting some of the most right-wing pundits on Fox News would join in too.

Fresh off of a condemnation from a Fox Business panel, Jeanine Pirro, a former judge and prosecutor known for her fiery pro-Trump takes, laid into the governor.

ALSO READ: Noem book describing dog killing is a donation perk at upcoming GOP fundraiser

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"I have four rescues, and I have a puppy," Pirro said. "I gotta tell you, you know what she's done is, she's sabotaged herself, whether or not it was to, you know, buttress what was coming down the road."

Pirro noted Noem managed to do what few politicians can in 2024.

"She also managed to unite the right and the left," Pirro said. "Because America — if nothing else, we are dog lovers."

Pirro did not seem impressed with Noem's excuse that she had to put the pup down because it wasn't a good hunting dog.

"And don't tell me you shot a puppy because it wasn't used to hunting," she said. "You know, maybe you're not a good teacher. Maybe there's a problem. And this whole thing with the chickens, you know, were the chickens dead? Was your dog on their property? Should you have had your dog on a leash? Should your farm have been fenced? I could go on and on because I love dogs."

Democrats and liberal commenters on X were not used to agreeing with Pirro — but did so with gusto.

"Gov. Kristi Noem. When you've lost Judge Jeanine Pirro. I'd just retire at this point...put yourself out to pasture so to speak," wrote Juliet Jeske of the newsletter Decoding Fox News.

"Omg," wrote national security lawyer Bradley Moss. "I am agreeing with Judge Pirro on something…"

"Hell must be freezing over because I am agreeing with Jeanine Pirro," wrote the account @tajacu.

"She’s right that this is an issue that unites the left and right," wrote John P. Goodwin, director of the Stop Puppy Mills campaign for the Humane Society of the United States. "I’m glad there is something Americans can agree on."

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