'Not relevant!' Dem hits back after MAGA lawmaker goes out-of-bounds with witness

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) (House Oversight/screen grab)

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) pushed back Tuesday after Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) repeatedly asked a witness questions that fell outside the scope of his job.

During a House Oversight Committee hearing, Perry pressed Office of Management and Budget Deputy Director Jason Miller to answer granular questions outside his purview.

Perry began by demanding to know Miller's role in implementing an executive order to promote voting.

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"Director Miller, I want to talk to you about Executive Order 14019 and your involvement in the implementation of that?"

Miller said he would have his team respond.

"So there is a plan, and you just have to get it to us, or you don't know of a plan, or what's the situation?" Perry asserted.

The lawmaker, who was involved in Donald Trump's attempts to overturn the 2020 election, complained about another executive order promoting voting rights.

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"The United States Attorney General established a procedure for educating felons on how to register to vote, how to vote by mail, those type of things," Perry said. "Why would we have a plan under Executive Order 14019 to educate these folks ineligible to vote on how to vote and how to proceed with that?"

Perry's barrage of questions continued, but Miller responded to each with a polite answer.

"Congressman, I'm happy to take back your questions and your concerns and make sure I get you a precise answer," Miller explained. "I'm happy to talk about my purview as management at OMB and the broad set of management priorities that we have been implementing."

Following Miller's answer, Connolly suggested the line of questioning was ludicrous.

"Mr. Miller, what's your timeline for making sure Ukraine wins the war?" Connolly asked sarcastically.

"Again, Congressman, I'm happy to talk about the topics that are in my purview as the deputy director for the ministry," Miller repeated.

"Oh, that's not in your purview," Connolly gasped dramatically. "Got it. All right. Then I won't belabor you with questions that are not relevant to your purview."

Watch the video below from House Oversight.

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