Newark Ramblers carry out footpath work in Ossington

A woodland footpath is now easier to navigate, thanks to work carried out by Ramblers.

Sunshine, birdsong and butterflies welcomed a small group of Newark Ramblers to woodland in Ossington on April 29, where they were set to carry out footpath maintenance.

It was the culmination of some years of negotiation between the Ramblers and Nottinghamshire County Council.

Newark Ramblers Dave Johnson, Chris Small and Brigid Murphy carrying out work on a woodland footpath in Ossington.

“There had previously been logistical difficulties but we are delighted to start work at last,” said James McGill, previous chairman of Newark Ramblers.

The work party of six volunteers had been assembled by Dave Johnson, the Newark footpath secretary, and was supervised by Neil Lewis from the county council who organised tools, catering and insurance, as well as arranging access with the landowners.

The work involved vegetation clearance and installing fingerposts and yellow marker posts.

Newark Ramblers Dave Johnson, Chris Small and Brigid Murphy carrying out work on a woodland footpath in Ossington.

“Harder work than it looks,” said Dave.

“But it’s important that walkers in the countryside should have confidence that they’re not going to get lost”

Neil added that although the work is small-scale at the moment he is hoping to make more use of Ramblers in the future.

Newark Ramblers is part of the Ramblers organisation, a charity dedicated to protecting and improving the national network of rights of way as well as promoting access to the countryside.