Pair of scouts, from Diss and Mellis, given King’s and Queen’s Scout Awards at ceremony at Windsor Castle

A pair of scouts have been presented with the highest accolade by chief scout and adventurer Bear Grylls at a ceremony at Windsor Castle.

Molly Leeder, from Diss, was among hundreds of people at Windsor Castle on April 21 to receive her King’s Scout Award.

The accolade is given to scouts, between the ages of 16 to 25, who have demonstrated outstanding personal achievement in scouting.

Molly Leeder, left, with fellow scouts Richard Betts, Luke Morgan and Jake Annison. Picture Scouts UK

Ms Leeder, 25, who has been a member of the Southern Norfolk District Scouts for nine years, said: “Completing the King’s Scout Award has developed me as a person.

“It was challenging but really allowed me to push myself and see what I was capable of.

“The journey in completing the award is one I would recommend to everyone; it allows you to gain additional skills, like resilience and pushing yourself when things get tough.”

For the award, scouts have to complete a range of challenges, including service to their community, an expedition in wild country and a five-day residential project in a new environment, as well as developing an existing talent, or learning a new skill to build on what they have already learnt.

“I did two expeditions,” said Ms Leeder. “One was the Yorkshire Three Peaks and the other was in the Lakes. I volunteered within the Scouts as a leader but have also crossed over my skills from my job as an accountant to become the district treasurer.”

Joining her on stage was fellow scout Mollie Bolger, from Mellis, who said working towards her Queen’s Scout Award had helped her in both her personal and professional life.

“It has given me the confidence to speak to strangers, in large groups, and help me build on my communication skills,” she said.

Mollie Bolger, of Mellis, was honoured with the Queen's Scout Award by Chief Scout Bear Grylls in a ceremony at Windsor Castle. Picture: Submitted

“Overall, it has done wonders for my people skills and has helped me gain huge amounts of confidence.”

The annual prize-giving has been held on the Sunday nearest to St George’s Day since 1934.