Trump's plans for women 'right out of Handmaid's Tale': Morning Joe guest

Still from The Handmaid's Tale (Photo: Hulu)

Donald Trump has boasted that he's responsible for the U.S. Supreme Court decision ending abortion rights, but a contributor to MSNBC's "Morning Joe" warned that he had even more malicious intentions toward women.

The former president told Time Magazine in a wide-ranging interview that states that limited reproductive rights should be allowed to monitor women's pregnancies to determine whether they had an abortion, and writer Molly Jong-Fast said that reminded her of the totalitarian society described by Margaret Atwood in her novel "The Handmaid's Tale."

"There are so many things in this interview that are dystopian," Jong-Fast said. "He wants deportation camps. I mean, this is stuff that -- what I thought was so shocking is he was admitting things -- the monitoring periods, the monitoring women's cycles is right out of 'Handmaid's Tale.' I mean, it's a cliché at this point, but there's no other – that's just not normal American life."

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"You say it's shocking, but it's not shocking – it's Trump," interjected political analyst Mike Barnicle.

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"I have not seen admit him stuff like this, like deportation camps," Jong-Fast replied.

Co-host Mika Brzezinski jumped in, saying that none of the outlandish threats Trump made about women's rights and the rule of law should be surprising at this point.

"It's hard to continue to be shocked, because we have become desensitized, and that's exactly how a democracy dies," Brzezinski said. "I'm not sounding highfalutin or dramatic – this is where we are. It's a choice. Also in those interviews, Trump was asked, if re-elected, would he instruct the attorney general to prosecute state officials who are prosecuting him? Listen carefully: The former president said, quote, we're going to look at a lot of things like they're looking, but that no, I don't want to do that. When pressed if he would instruct the attorney general to prosecute Alvin Bragg, Trump replied, quote, 'We are going to have great retribution through success. We're going to make our country successful again.'"

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