Video Shows Birthday Party Turn Gruesome After Bear Has Unexpected Snack

Video taken from TikTok. Uploaded by hppytrees Rachelle on April 25, 2024. See link:

A daughter’s birthday trip to a zoo turned slightly gruesome after a bear snaked on some ducklings that landed in its enclosure in front of the children, according to a video uploaded Thursday.

Rachelle, a Tiktok user, posted that her children were not traumatized by the unexpected turn of events but that it was a “train wreck for my daughter’s birthday, thanks JUNIPER” alongside the video.

Juniper is the name of the 2-year-old brown bear who lives at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle that snacked on the ducklings on April 23, Fox 13 reported. The video showed Juniper eyeing a row of ducklings with their mother while children looked on behind a glass wall. Eventually, the bear made its way into the water where the ducks were strolling and proceeded to eat a few in front of the children.

“Okay buddy, can you leave them [the ducklings] alone,” a person could be heard asking the bear.

“That is not nice,” another person could be heard saying.

“It is terrible that I am videoing this?” someone else could be heard asking as Juniper continued to munch on the unfortunate baby birds.

Juniper is known for her comedic and boisterous personality, according to the zoo’s bear keepers, Fox 13 reported. Juniper was found and captured while roaming near an air force base in Alaska, the outlet noted.

Brown bears are not picky eaters and “consume a wide variety of foods” ranging from moose to grasses, according to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.