Instantly Iconic: NYPD Tears Down Palestinian Flag After Taking Back Campus, Raises American Flag

@NYPDDaughtry / X screen shot

Suffice to say, the pro-Palestinian protests erupting on college campuses have gone from merely irritating to genuinely threatening.

Specifically, the protests that have plagued the colleges in New York City have disrupted campus life, left Jewish students in fear for their lives, and have now necessitated police action to finally quell their ferocity.

But, as seen in a video shared to X on Wednesday by Deputy Commissioner of the New York Police Department Kaz Daughtry, the aftermath of these protests have provided a chance for the NYPD to display some much-needed patriotism.

#HAPPENINGNOW: An incredible scene and proud moment as we have assisted @CityCollegeNY in restoring order on campus, culminating in raising Old Glory once again on their campus flagpole. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ@NYPDPC @NYPD1stDep @NYPDChiefOfDept @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYPDnews

โ€” NYPD Deputy Commissioner, Operations Kaz Daughtry (@NYPDDaughtry) May 1, 2024

According to the New York Post, the video was shot at the Harlem campus of City College New York after the protesters clashed violently with the police on Tuesday night.

In addition to barricading themselves inside the administrative buildings, throwing flares and garbage at the police, and creating such a dangerous environment that classes have been held remotely, the protesters had also removed the American flag and hung a Palestinian flag in its place.

Since regaining control of the campus around 12:39 a.m. Wednesday morning, Fox News reported, police removed the Palestinian flag from the flag pole and restored the American flag to its rightful place.

While the video didn't have any sound, it did show the NYPD officers lowering the Palestinian flag, removing it from the pole, and looking at it with some disgust before unceremoniously tossing it to the side.

The officers then took Old Glory, reverently replaced it on the halyard and hoisted it back up, bursting with pride and joy to see the flag restored to its rightful place.

Now, the comments on the video, as one might expect, were all over the place.

More than a few people repeated tired refrains of "fascist" and accused the NYPD of being in the pockets of Israel for restoring the American flag (somehow).

When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flagโ€ฆ

โ€” AbuOlive (@AbuOlive) May 1, 2024

You might as well installed the Israeli flag.

โ€” Collin (Ogbonna) Radi๐•-Carter ๐Ÿ‰ (@ogbonna_collin) May 1, 2024

Others chided the NYPD, saying, "Iโ€™m ashamed of how the NYPD behaved. What a ridiculous spectacle it was," and "Imagine thinking that it is patriotic to deny Americans first amendment rights because a foreign leader told you to do so."

Youโ€™re proud of how this was handled? Iโ€™m ashamed of how the NYPD behaved. What a ridiculous spectacle it was.

โ€” Angie Stewart (@Usual_Anomaly) May 1, 2024

Bro you are doing all of this on behalf of a foreign countryโ€™s interest. Imagine thinking that it is patriotic to deny Americans first amendment rights because a foreign leader told you to do so ๐Ÿ˜‚

โ€” Paulina Plazas (@paulinaplazas) May 1, 2024

However, just as many, if not more, were proud of and grateful for the NYPD's actions, commenting, "America needs to see our Flag being respected like this now more than ever. God bless the NYPD and America," and "God Bless the NYPD."

Thank you for sharing this.

America needs to see our Flag being respected like this now more than ever.

God bless the NYPD and America.

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โ€” Paul A. Szypula ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ (@Bubblebathgirl) May 1, 2024

God bless the NYPD ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

โ€” Oli London (@OliLondonTV) May 1, 2024

It would probably be safe to say that the latter comments were more indicative of the way most ordinary Americans feel about these protests.

Ordinary Americans have been horrified at the number of Palestinian flags now flying around the country.

Moreover, these flags have been but the physical manifestation of the huge problem now plaguing American society.

Thanks to the Marxism-infected higher education system and immigration policy failures, an enormous amount of anti-Israel and anti-U.S. sentiment has taken root within the country.

Heartwarming as it was to finally see order restored on some of these college campuses, it has taken far too long.

These cities, these colleges cannot let these college students hold an entire college campus captive for weeks at a time.

Eventually, if these movements are allowed to continue growing unchecked, even a police presence won't be enough to root them out.