'Unloaded gun': Ex-Republican predicts 'what’s about to happen to' Marjorie Taylor Greene


Former Republican strategist turned Lincoln Project adviser Rick Wilson has some key predictions in his latest email blast to followers about how the motion by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to vacate House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is going to go — and it won't be pretty for her.

Greene, who is disgruntled that Johnson finally caved and allowed Ukraine defense aid to pass the House, plans to call the vote next week, despite even former President Donald Trump opposing the move. It is broadly expected that House Democrats will provide enough votes to bail him out, unlike what happened with his predecessor Kevin McCarthy.

"Historical examples of revolutions eating their own are as common as dirt and as bloody as a butcher's floor," wrote Wilson. "It was inevitable that this chapter in the Trump Revolution would reach where we are right now. Everyone in the MAGA party is now locked in a revolution where purity and obedience to the cause are everything. The dying normies are begging the young bomb-throwers just to let them get through November, but the monsters are hungry and loose in the countryside, rabid for RINO blood."

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Greene wants to follow in the footsteps of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who ousted McCarthy reportedly as revenge for being the target of an ethics probe. But this time, Wilson believes that things will be different.

"I’m not certain Greene has more than a handful of votes, and certainly not enough to overcome the massive political embarrassment of Hakeem Jeffries saving Johnson’s speakership," wrote Wilson. "She’s about to fail, and failure is often fatal politically (and often otherwise) in revolution. Watch in the coming weeks as her most loyal lieutenants turn on her. Et tu, Chip Roy?"

The moral of the story, he added, is, "Never pull an unloaded gun. The moment you get your bluff called, it’s over. Your counterparty is either going to shoot you, beat your a--, or laugh in your face."

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