David Cosgrave from Compton accused of public toilet sex, having 8,000 indecent images of children and voyeurism

AN alleged sex offender is said to have committed a variety of offences involving indecent 8,000 images of children and voyeurism.

David Cosgrave was also accused of having sex in public toilets when he appeared in the dock at Reading Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, April 24.

Reading Magistrates Courts

The 60-year-old, of Hockham Road, Compton, faces a total of 13 charges.

Specifically, Mr Cosgrave faces four charges of outraging public decency by engaging in sexual acts with another person in public toilets.

Next, he is accused of possessing 1,917 indecent photographs of a child in Category A - the most serious category, depicting acts of penetration, sadism or bestiality; possessing 3,402 indecent images of a child in Category B; possessing 2,764 indecent images of a child in Category C and possessing three prohibited images of a child.

Furthermore, Mr Cosgrave is charged with four offences of voyeurism, involving around 14 instances of recording another person doing a private act for the purpose of his own sexual gratification, knowing that the other person did not consent to him recording the act with that intention.

Finally, he is accused of distributing an indecent image of a child.

All the offences were said to have been committed in Berkshire, or in Compton specifically, on various dates between 2000 and 2020.

Mr Cosgrave, who was legally represented at the preliminary hearing by Simon Hammudi, was told the case was being sent to Reading Crown Court to be dealt with by a judge and, in the event of a trial, by a jury on a date to be fixed.

He was meanwhile released on unconditional bail.