Say goodbye to annoying split ends and damaged hair with hairstylist's quick tip

An overlooked step in haircare routine may be the reason for your frizzy and dry hair, says a hair expert while revealing an easy fix.

Blowout professor’s YouTube videos are all about hair and care. He has already shown us how to avoid a ‘bad hair day’. Here’s how you can let your hair grow out while keeping it healthy.

Why you should oil your hair

It’s the tips of your hair that suffer the most damage for two reasons – it is the most vulnerable part of the hair that isn’t structurally protected; the top is surrounded by cuticles and the end of the hair is also the most aged as it grows out.

Christopher Wenzel aka Blowout Professor details the importance of applying oil to your hair and demonstrates the right way to do it.

He says dryness causes split ends and stops your hair from growing as the brittle ends cut off easily while it continues to grow from the top.

He presents the best two hair oils depending on your hair type. The stylist suggests using ulplex 7, for people with fine and medium hair that tends to “weigh down easily.”

If your hair’s coarse and dry, he recommends Moroccan oil, which gives your hair “tons of hydration.” Chris says the oil doesn’t make your hair look sticky and only gives out a healthy shine.

The correct way to oil your hair

In another YouTube video, Chris demonstrated the correct way to oil your hair. He says you should put the exact amount of oil on your palms and rub them together. If it’s glistening, you are using the right amount. It’s excess if your hands become wet.

You should always oil your hair when it is dry after a wash as mixing with water will make it difficult to judge the wetness and you may end up using more or less of it.

The pro stylist suggests oiling the hair on the day of the wash and repeating the same in the following days until the next wash. But less quantity is recommended the next day as the oil from the previous application wouldn’t have been absorbed fully.

Christopher is a professional hair stylist and owner of a hair salon called Live Love Locks. He goes by the handle Blowout Professor on YouTube with over 643,000 subscribers. He is best known for his videos about haircare and product reviews using his expertise of years as a pro stylist.